Challenges of Treating Surface Water

west lake, osceola iowa water works, algae bloom, surface water treatment

The Osceola Water Works team is continually working to ensure your water is clean, clear, and fresh. West Lake has been a great resource for the city’s water, but being a surface water resource, it poses unique treatment challenges. Surface water, such as Osceola’s West Lake, contains natural bacteria and other microorganisms like algae. The levels of these contaminants can be affected by several factors including rainfall runoff, soil conditions, land cover, agriculture, and the local topography. This creates the need for a greater focus on the surface water sanitation process. Certain times of the year create a greater need

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Water Works To Hold Public Hearing For 2016 Rate Increase

osceola drinking water iowa

As a courtesy to the Osceola Water Works customers, the Water Works Board is hosting a public hearing based on a proposed water service rate increase in 2016. This hearing will be at the Osceola Water Works office, January 7th, 2016 starting at 5:30pm. The Board would like to discuss the factors that have led to the proposed rate increase, as well as the costs associated with management and servicing the water for the City. Osceola’s water taste and odor has been a large focus for the Water Board in 2015. While the Water Works team has worked to address

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Osceola Water Taste & Seasonal Water Changes

water taste and smell in osceola iowa

The Osceola Water Works has confirmed that West Lake, the resource used for Osceola’s drinking water recently turned over, causing our drinking water to have an unusual taste and odor. Lake turnover is the process of a lake’s water turning over from top to bottom. During the summer, the surface layer is the warmest. It is heated by the sun. The deepest layer is the coldest. The sun’s radiation does not reach this cold, dark layer. During the fall, the warm surface water begins to cool. As water cools, it becomes more dense, causing it to sink. This dense water forces the deep water

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Water water everywhere…

osceola iowa water works

There’s a pretty good chance you’ve used water today. It comes from the tap – clean, clear, fresh, and fantastic. Whether you used it for a shower, to make a pot of coffee or cook, or just to get a simple drink, did you stop to think of how that water got to you? From town to town and city to city, municipal water works manage the daily flow and treatment of community water. But not many people take the time to consider those behind the scenes, making sure the water gets to its final destination efficiently, economically, and with

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Osceola Water… WORKS. Osceola Water Works Embarks on New Public Education Campaign

osceola water works osceola iowa

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE OSCEOLA SENTINEL (OSCEOLA, IA – August 17, 2015) This summer, Osceola Water Works contracted with Spoke Communications to develop and implement a public education and communications program to be delivered to the residents of Osceola, Iowa. The program will be a dedicated effort by the Osceola Water Works board to help residents see more of and understand the value the board and the Water Works staff provide to the community. “’You turn the tap and the water comes out.’ That seems to be the extent of the understanding some have about an effective Water Works program.”

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