Current Drought Conditions Can Cause Increase in Water Infrastructure Disruptions

osceola water main breaks

Osceola Water Works has been aware of the recent rise in water main breaks throughout the city. With temps fluctuating and ground shifting from freezing and thawing, breaks seem to be more pervasive than in the past, but that isn’t actually the case.

The most recent update from Osceola Water Works discusses the conditions that lead to infrastructure disruptions and gives a little history on Osceola’s updates and how to help report.

Click through to read more…

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Encouraging Osceola to Think of Bottled Water as Conservation Measure

encouraging bottles water to conserve in Osceola iowa

While recent community water conservation measures have shown daily water use averages down and the dropping levels in West Lake slowing, the Osceola Water Works Board, City, and Clarke County EMA are encouraging water customers to consider implementing a bottled water routine for their daily water consumption needs.

To read more, click through to the latest update from Osceola Water Works…

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Important Update RE: Lower Intake Project at West Lake: 11/19/23

On 11/18/2023 and 11/19/2023 divers were onsite at West Lake.  By the end of the day on the 19th, the reconfigured intake extension was successfully installed and water works crews tested pulling water from that lower intake. Due to low lake levels, Water Works staff will begin transitioning over to pulling water from the lower intake in the next few weeks.  Osceola Water Works will continue to provide updates before this change occurs. With the extra capacity added from raising the intake, the seasonal decrease in usage as well as the success with conservation measures, Osceola Water Works estimates the

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Important Update Regarding Lower Intake Project at West Lake: 11/15/23

water intake updated for osceola's west lake

Below is a schedule of activities pertaining to raising the lower intake: Nov 4 – 5 Dive team was onsite to install components to raise the lower intake 4 feet.  A large rock located in the intake area created challenges for the divers to effectively raise the intake.  It was determined that a portion of the rock would need to be removed. Nov 11 Dive team was onsite to cut a decent sized chunk of the rock out of the way.  They now feel they have enough clearance to raise the intake. Nov 18 – 19 Four dive team members

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Osceola Water Board Passes Resolution Updating Conservation Ordinance

(OSCEOLA, IA – NOVEMBER 9, 2023) At a special meeting of the Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees, the board voted and passed Resolution 2023-29, making effective, immediate updates to Osceola’s Water Conservation Ordinance. The updates impact conservation measures and customer use parameters for both Section 3 and Section 4 of the water conservation ordinance. If you have questions or would like more information on the Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees, please contact Osceola Water Works, at 208 W Jefferson St, Osceola, IA 50213, phone: (641) 342-1435, email:

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Water Works Team Addresses Water Quality at Lower Levels

With the lower levels of water in West Lake, quality challenges have become more apparent and require a change in the disinfection process. To help mitigate bacteria and other issues at lower levels in West Lake, a free-chlorine disinfection process will begin.

Click through to learn what you can do about the changes in your water…

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UPDATE: 11:14 AM REPAIRS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, RECHARGING THE WATER MAIN NOW. WATER MAIN BREAK: Notice: Osceola Water Works has become aware of a water main break on E Washington St. Please avoid this area as much as possible while our crews work to repair. -500 Blocks of E Washington St & 100 Blocks of N Osceola St will be without water during this repair. Estimated time of repair: Unknown at this due to utility locates being delayed and not expected to be completed until 11:00 AM If you have any questions or concerns, call 641-342-1435. Thank you for your

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State of Osceola’s Water – Town Hall Follow-up

Osceola Water Works - State of Osceola's Water Town Hall Meeting

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the State of Osceola’s Water Town Hall meeting last week. There were a lot of great discussions and actions items developed or reinforced from the event. Overall we think it was a success and appreciate everyone’s time. 

In our most recent post, we’ve put together a summary of the meeting and the top action items taken from the conversations. We’ve also included the full, 2-hour video of the meeting for anyone who has missed it or would like to watch it again.

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Special Event – Town Hall Discussion – State of Osceola’s Water

special Town Hall Meeting about Osceola's drought and water emergency

the Osceola Water Works Team is bringing city officials and those who know the most current conditions of Osceola’s water supply together to have an open “Town Hall Discussion” on the state of Osceola’s water. The special event information – Location, time, topic details, etc. – is in the recent post at

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