Osceola Water Board Welcomes New Board Member

The Osceola Water Board is happy to welcome John Kooiker as its newest board member. John comes to the board with a wealth of practical knowledge and experience. After graduating from Clarke High School, he earned his business degree at Simpson College in Indianola. He spent his career as a maintenance engineer and manager, as well as an electrician at Wellman Dynamics in Creston, General Mills in Carlisle, and Hormel Foods right here in Osceola. “I’ve headed up a variety of projects in the workplace relating to water conservation while still ensuring safe and clean food products for the consumer,”

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Osceola Water Works Launches Customer Survey to Log Lead Lines

Osceola Water Works is required to complete an EPA-mandated water pipe inventory, and is asking for help from the community. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead-Copper Rule Revision mandates all community water suppliers, including Osceola Water Works, to develop a comprehensive Lead Service Line Inventory. Over the past 12 to 18 months, the Water Works team has worked to gather information on the age and pipe materials within the community, and the data collection is nearly complete. One of the final steps is an occupant-owner survey to clarify and complete the data collected. Customers of Osceola Water Works will soon

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Once again, we are facing an exceptionally brutal cold snap. With high temperatures forecast at 0° and lows bottoming out around -15°, there is a chance that the moisture in the air can freeze and cause damage to your water meter. When water freezes, it expands in volume by about nine percent, and it expands with tremendous force: The pressure inside pipes may go from 40 pounds per square inch (psi) to 40,000! No pipe can hold that much pressure, so it breaks open. Pipes that run through the unheated parts of your home, like the garage or basement, as

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Prevent Frozen Pipe Damage by Winterizing Your Home

Dangerously cold temperatures have settled across Iowa, bringing a host of other problems with them. One that we’re dealing with here in Osceola is frozen water pipes. When exposed to freezing temperatures for an extended period of time – anywhere from 1-3 days, depending on the temperature – any water or liquid trapped in pipes can freeze and expand. The ice then puts pressure on the walls of the pipe, causing it to rupture when the pressure gets to be too much. Pipes in exterior walls are usually the most affected, but with the current temperatures, any pipes are at

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OCMS Streetscape Construction Starts This Week

Osceola Chamber Main Street’s Downtown Streetscape project began Monday December 16. Here is some information you’ll need to know to navigate the area while they are doing their work: Washington Street Closure: Washington Street will be closed from the Water Tower to Main Street. Businesses Are Open: All businesses along Washington Street remain open—please continue to support them! Plan Ahead: Seek alternative routes as construction progresses. Parking is available along the other three sides of the square for your convenience. We appreciate your cooperation as the Osceola Chamber Main Street works to enhance our downtown area. If you have any

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Annual Hydrant Flushing Complete – Out With the Old in With the New

Osceola Water Works staff has finalized this year’s fire hydrant flushing with minimal water waste thanks to a local business. Over the past few weeks, Water Department employees made their way around the city and opened fire hydrants for a short period of time, allowing them to flow freely. By doing this, staff were able to perform routine maintenance on the hydrants, making sure they were in good working condition in case of a fire. This process also cleans out sediment that has settled in the water mains and is just one of the ways Osceola Water Works makes sure

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Osceola Water Works Customer Notification Regarding EPA Lead Service Line Inventory

Osceola Water Works is focused on providing safe drinking water and protecting the health of every household in our community.  In the coming days, some residents of the City of Osceola will receive a notification regarding their existing water pipe (called a service line) that connects the home, building or other structure to the water main.  This notification is being issued to property owners and tenants to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act requirements.  As part of the requirements of the 1986 Congressional Safe Drinking Water Act – Lead Ban, the Federal Government banned the installation of new lead

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NOTICE: Osceola Water Works Board Meeting Date Change

The Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees meeting that is held the first Thursday of every month has been moved from November 7th to November 14th. The meeting will still begin at 5:30 pm. If you have questions or would like more information on the Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees, please contact Osceola Water Works, at 208 W Jefferson St, Osceola, IA 50213, phone: (641) 342-1435, email: osceolawater2@windstream.net.

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