Osceola Water Works is proud to be able to offer customers many convenient options for paying utility bills. With the community growing and new families and individuals taking up residence, the water works department felt it would be beneficial to run through the billing and penalty regulations and ensure all customers are aware of the options available to them. For the convenience of all of our customers, let us outline the utility bill payment process and all the payment options and regulations. Osceola Water Works offers different options for you to make your payment to us. You can always stop into
More from My Water Works →The Osceola Water Works Department frequently receives questions regarding the Osceola utility bill. For new customers, it can be confusing since it holds a lot of information, and others may have trouble understanding what all is included and who is responsible for the different charges included. We would like to take a moment to try to answer your questions and ease your concerns about your Osceola Utility Bill. Why is my bill so expensive? Your utility bill includes more than just your water usage fees. Osceola Water Works is in charge of only the water portion of your utility bill. Osceola
More from My Water Works →The Osceola Water Works Board would like to announce and welcome the latest addition to the team, Mark Binning. Mark’s appointment started on the 1st of December and replaces the outgoing Dave Neas. Mark Binning’s Bio and Position Statement: Background: I was born and raised in rural Leon, IA and graduated from Central Decatur in May, 1972. In July of 1972, I started to work at Miller Products Company in Osceola in the shipping department. In September 1973, I married my wife Vickie. We have one daughter, Christine who is married to Mark Baker. The Baker family lives in Ames
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2015 has been a year of great change and transition for your Osceola Water Works. Much of it was spent making improvements to the business infrastructure as well as acquiring new equipment to benefit the entire Osceola community. Not all changes have been visible to the public, but all have saved money and substantially increased productivity. One major step taken by OWW is the acquisition of new equipment and the completion of staff training. With the purchase of a backhoe, skid loader, concrete saw, dump trailer, and dump truck, the Water Works team was able to do repairs and installations
More from My Water Works →As a courtesy to the Osceola Water Works customers, the Water Works Board is hosting a public hearing based on a proposed water service rate increase in 2016. This hearing will be at the Osceola Water Works office, January 7th, 2016 starting at 5:30pm. The Board would like to discuss the factors that have led to the proposed rate increase, as well as the costs associated with management and servicing the water for the City. Osceola’s water taste and odor has been a large focus for the Water Board in 2015. While the Water Works team has worked to address
More from My Water Works →As a service to our community Osceola Water Works will be providing periodic updates on the activities taking place around Osceola. As we continue to work on improvements and infrastructure, we want to make sure all of our customers have access to the most up-to-date information possible. UPDATES: November 23, 2015 1. This week Water Works will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving Holiday. We would like to wish all of our customers a happy Thanksgiving. 2. Reminder for our customers: disconnects for non-payments will start Monday November 30th at 8:30 a.m. 3. The Water Board approved a
More from My Water Works →The Osceola Water Works Board would like to announce and welcome the latest addition to the team, Larry K. Bishop. Larry’s appointment starts on the 5th of November and replaces the outgoing Ryan Rychnovsky. Larry K. Bishop’s Bio and Position Statement: Background: I was born and raised in Norwalk, IA, graduated from Norwalk Community Schools in 1967 and then continued my education at United Electronics Institute located in West Des Moines, IA., graduating in 1969. During this time, I married my wife Ruth in the spring of 1968. After graduating, I went to work at Texas Instruments located in Houston,
More from My Water Works →As a service to our community Osceola Water Works will be providing periodic updates on the activities taking place around Osceola. As we continue to work on improvements and infrastructure, we want to make sure all of our customers have access to the most up-to-date information possible. UPDATES: November 2, 2015 1. Our crews will be out hooking the last 3 customer services to the new water main installed on the 1300-1400 Block of South Ridge Road. This area used to be serviced by a private water service line. One of the properties was served by a private well. We
More from My Water Works →As a service to our community Osceola Water Works will be providing periodic updates on the activities taking place around Osceola. As we continue to work on improvements and infrastructure, we want to make sure all of our customers have access to the most up-to-date information possible. UPDATES: October 26, 2015 Water Bills are due tomorrow (10/27/15) by 8:30 a.m.. Shutoffs for delinquent accounts will begin directly at 8:30 a.m.. Customers not able to make their payments by 8:30a.m. need to call the water office (641-342-1435) to make payment arrangements. Due to the loss of a close friend and family
More from My Water Works →As a service to our community Osceola Water Works will be providing periodic updates on the activities taking place around Osceola. As we continue to work on improvements and infrastructure, we want to make sure all of our customers have access to the most up-to-date information possible. UPDATES: October 23, 2015 There is currently a large water main break at the intersection of South main Street and east Pearl Street. Main street is also known as State HWY 69. Traffic could possibly be reduced to a single lane. This is a high traffic area. The 100 block of East Pearl
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