Ever think what it’s like to work with one of your community’s most valuable resources? Students at Clarke Community High School spent the day with Osceola Water Works’ own Plant Foreman, Cory Gallup, discussing exactly that. As a part of the district’s career day, Cory spent the day with Clarke juniors and seniors discussing various aspects of a career in water operations.

At a recent career day at Clarke Community High School, Plant Foreman, Cory Gallup spent time discussing various aspects of a career in water operations and management.
Students filed into Gallup’s presentation as part of a day-long tour that included local businesses, schools, and trade organizations to learn about various careers open to them after graduation. As an Osceola Water Works representative with more than five years on the job, Gallup was able to bring unique insights to the students attending each hour-long session.
Gallup spent time discussing Osceola Water Works and how, as a water utility, it provides one of the community’s most valuable resources. The infrastructure and access to clean drinking water is integral to the operation and sustainability of the community. From basic drinking water to washing, cooking, supporting emergency services, businesses and more, the value of a safe and secure water source is often overlooked. As water operations and management professionals the team at Osceola Water Works makes sure the water is safe and keeps flowing day in and day out.
As Cory described various roles within the department, topics like working on water main breaks and the importance of maintaining a safe and clean water were highlighted. Questions from students about training and prerequisites for a career in the water operations and management fields were also discussed. One topic that came up often in their discussion was one of job security and employee benefits.
“Water operations, on the whole, is a very rewarding and secure career path,” said Gallup to one student. “Water is always in demand and those who can operate and manage a community’s resource effectively will benefit from advancement opportunities, personal and family health and insurance benefits, as well as the security of a recession-proof industry.”
Included in his presentation were various post-secondary program links as well as resources to help students take the next step in building a career in water operations. One resource that was highlighted was the WET program at DMACC, a 2-year certification course that can launch students into a rewarding career right out of high school.
“Water operations can be so much more than a ‘Job,’” said Gallup. “The opportunity to have a long and stable career is right there.”