Osceola Water Works is required to complete an EPA-mandated water pipe inventory, and is asking for help from the community. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead-Copper Rule Revision mandates all community water suppliers, including Osceola Water Works, to develop a comprehensive Lead Service Line Inventory. Over the past 12 to 18 months, the Water Works team has worked to gather information on the age and pipe materials within the community, and the data collection is nearly complete. One of the final steps is an occupant-owner survey to clarify and complete the data collected.

Customers of Osceola Water Works will soon receive a survey, asking them to identify and document the type of water service lines inside the property.  This survey will not only help refine a database of the service lines that require replacement by the EPA, but also provide valuable information for securing grant funding to help cover the costs of replacing these lead lines. If information is not obtained during these planning stages, and lead is discovered at a future date, the future replacement costs could be the responsibility of the property owner.

Having a comprehensive inventory of service lines is beneficial on a number of levels,” said Brandon Patterson, Osceola Water Works Superintendent. “Not only does it help us address our aging infrastructure as a whole, but supplying the most detailed inventory possible gives us a better chance of getting assistance to cover necessary replacement costs.”

The Osceola Water Works team asks homeowners, renters, business and property owners to fill out the survey information or visit osceolawaterworks.com to complete and submit to the Osceola Water Works by March 15, 2025. 

If you have questions or would like more information about the lead line research being done by Osceola Water Works, please contact the Osceola Water Works offices at 208 West Jefferson Street, PO Box 515, Osceola, IA 50213, Phone: 641-342-1435 or email: osceolawater5@windstream.net.

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